Seeking a Nature Dose? Hit the Trail!



Spring has sprung and, with the onset of warmer weather, we yearn for “nature doses” once again! Scientists newly understand this urge: natural environments are restorative, and we intuitively anticipate these healthy benefits. Here, I hope to highlight the opportunities along Lincoln’s 183 miles of urban trails. This trail system allows cyclists to get wherever they are going (by combining both on and off-street routes) as they pass through urban and green landscapes. Trails are shared by hikers, joggers, and cyclists — and leashed pets are welcome. Here’s a brief look at a cross-section of Lincoln’s finest trail opportunities: 

The Holmes Lake Trail (2.3 miles) loops around Holmes Lake. This crushed-rock trail provides up-close views of wildlife and takes about 45 minutes to complete. This city park location also affords picnic tables and fishing spots! 

The MoPac Trail (25 miles) follows the abandoned Missouri Pacific Railroad corridor. I like to get on at the Novartis Trailhead (84th & Hazelwood) where the unpaved trail begins to wind through woods and grasslands. Not to worry — you can rest on benches along the way and set your distance out and back.  

The Rock Island Trail (6.7 miles) follows through the heart of Lincoln as it passes the Sunken Gardens, Children's Zoo, and Colonel Densmore Park. Online reviews suggest this trail is especially stroller/wheelchair friendly (wide, paved surface) and kid-friendly (geocaches, benches, and picnic tables along the way).  

The Wilderness Park Trail (30 miles) is Lincoln’s largest and wildest park. The park (1,472 acres) was established to serve as flood storage for Salt Creek and to provide unique park experiences. Here, trail users enjoy optimal nature sightings.

For park trail maps and more visit the following sites:

Julie Thomas, PhD, is a retired Science Educator and a Research Professor Emerita from the University of Nebraska and a contributing writer for 55+.


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