Older Nebraskans Face Major Food Insecurity Issues


Many are surprised to learn the sobering facts — one in 15 older Americans face hunger. Closer to home, 25% of older adults in Nebraska struggle with food accessibility and affordability. It is an unfortunate storm of baby boomers retiring in record numbers through 2030, combined with an uncertain economy and negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. With age, health naturally declines and that comes with issues surrounding mobility and financial resources.

In 1967, nonprofit Tabitha was the first to recognize food delivery makes all the difference by launching the vital, Tabitha Meals on Wheels program which continues to this day. Something as simple as a meal, wellness check, and friendly visit allows older adults in the Capital city area to remain healthier and safe in their homes. 

But deliveries come at a great cost to Tabitha which must supplement expenses and dedicate precious workforce hours. 

“An eye-opening 81% of program recipients cannot afford the $7.50 cost of a meal, while donations have dropped substantially. Tabitha stringently fights to maintain this service,” shared Tabitha President and CEO, Christie Hinrichs.

When older adults do not have access to balanced meals, we all suffer. Hunger strains the healthcare system and takes its toll on overall wellbeing, leaving people at risk for chronic conditions like diabetes, asthma, and depression. This forces people to decide whether to pay for food or for other necessities such as medicine, transportation, utilities, rent/mortgage.

“Nebraskans are a proud bunch, many older neighbors may be silently struggling,” stated Hinrichs. “It is heartbreaking that something so in reach puts us in jeopardy. Tabitha does not turn anyone away who needs a meal, regardless of their ability to pay. We want to continue to deliver, but need the public’s help to make it happen.” 

Today, 5 million meals and 500 daily deliveries later, Tabitha Meals on Wheels still leads the charge to fund this lifeline program with major supplements from caring donors and volunteers.

Tabitha will continue to provide this vital service as long as the community is able to support their efforts. Make a difference today. Go to Tabitha.org/gap to give much-needed funds to this program.


Did you know?

25% Of Older Nebraskans Need Assistance With Food

81% Cannot Afford The Cost Of Each $7.50 Meal

90% Say Meals Allow Them To Remain At Home

82% Report That A Volunteer Is The Only Person They See Each Day


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