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Lincoln-area Christmas Bird Count

This global bird census involves volunteers (experts and beginners) gathering bird population data in one 24-hour period on one calendar date. The National Audubon Society uses this “big picture” data to determine changes in bird ranges and migratory behaviors. You will be matched to a counter-effort that suits your interests and skills and will give you specific information about how to document and submit your data. 

You can be a Field Counter (walking/driving an assigned, outdoor area), a Feeder Counter (watching out your own window), or a Neighborhood Counter (walking a few nearby blocks or at a park near you). Participation is free but you need to make arrangements in advance of the count day. Contact Jason St. Sauver, Sr. Education Director at Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center at to sign up!

December 16

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Jr.

December 21

Sunset Solstice Hike